Network Security Las Vegas
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November 17, 2020 About us
Hi, this is Angie and I am an engineer dealing with network security and I am stationed in Las Vegas. Most of the companies think that implementing a firewall or protective software is enough to prevent the breach of the consumer data. This thought process mainly applies to start-up business owners. They think that as they have to handle and process very few consumer-related data, they are good with lesser protective measures for their database.
This is an entirely wrong concept. Malpractice has nothing to do with the size or the age of the business. Customer or client data which are handled is always at a risk of a breach by malpractice such as phishing. Therefore, you must consider investing in network security agencies like Iternal Networks if your business is based in Las Vegas for complete security of the internal and restricted data you handle in business.
I've my small team as well. Meet them.
David Chen
Annie Rao
Michael Wayne
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